How to talk to someone with bipolar disorder Handle appropriately

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How to talk to someone with bipolar disorder Handle appropriately Communicate clearly.

How to talk to someone with bipolar disorder. If someone close to you has many people may be concerned that So how should ยูฟ่าเบท we talk to him? If you want to give encouragement What kind of words should be used? Today we’ve put together a list of ways to talk to people with bipolar disorder. I believe that if I apply the recommended methods to my own communication methods. You will definitely be able to live with people with understanding and happiness.

Get to know the basics of bipolar disorder

Bipolar I (Bipolar I)

Bipolar One is a group of symptoms in which the patient has abnormally good moods (Mania) alternating with periods of depression (Depressed). Or in some cases there may be only mania symptoms. In this group, Mania symptoms are clear.

Bipolar II disease 

Bipolar II is a syndrome in which the patient has a depress mood (Depressed). Alternating with a mild positive mood (Hypomania). Many times it can be mistaken for depression because there are similar sad moods.

Cyclothymic disorder

Cyclotomic disorder or cyclic mood disorder. It is a disease that has symptoms between depression (Depressed) and mild depression (Hypomania), with many symptoms, but not severe.

Other bipolar disorder groups

Patients with other symptoms often exhibit symptoms of abnormal mood swings. But it does not meet the diagnostic criteria for bipolar One II and cyclotomic disorder. The diagnosis of this disease must be made by a psychiatrist.

However, how to talk to someone with requires. You to understand first. That Bipolar and depression that during depression there are often similar symptoms. If you or someone close to you has symptoms similar or suspected of having, recommend Consult a psychiatrist